Stephanie has been coaching for over 25 years.
She coaches people of all ages and levels from children to adults, basic-skilled to competitors. Off ice fitness training and dance is also an option for those wanting to enhance their abilities.
She has trained Actresses for their big skating scenes and provided stunt doubles Film and Television and scene consultation.
Coaching Services
- Learn To Skate
- Competitive Training
- On and Off-Ice Fitness
- Choreography
- School Physical Education Programs
- Film, Television, Theatre: Scene Consulting
- Parties & Events
- Team building on Ice Group Events
- Roller Blade Lessons
Coaching Motto:
To teach others how to set goals and accomplish them.
Clients not only learn a sport specific skill, but learn important “life” skills that contribute to a whole education and well being. Stephanie focuses on building confidence, performance, skill development, and fitness.
Other locations are available upon request.